
Luglio 2024


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    My dear readers,

    today I am very excited because Ι want to dedicate this post to special people  that recently I had the opportunity to meet where I work. They came to Greece for work with lot of questions marks, doubts and maybe also fear after all bad news they heard about the situation here in Athens  and despite all the crises and really tough time this country is experiencing  they are really enjoying it and get the best out of it and of the people. Honestly I think that when they leave they will really miss this chaotic city  and most of all the people –  and  David, Kat and Daniela we will miss you too.

    Some info about  Agistri– ελλ. Αγκίστρι

    Agistri is a very tiny island, usually not taken into consideration from tourism – since everybody prefers to stop in the very close and bigger island of Aegina. Agistri is the smallest island in the Saronic Gulf with an area of only 14 sq km.

    It’s only 1 hour with the speedy boat from Piraeus and connections are not so frequent as per Aegina – therefore before organizing any excursions you carefully need to check the time schedule.
    The island is small – with lot of hills and so many pine trees that are reflected in the blue waters.
    In Agistri there are 2 main ports – that are distant only a few km one from the other – but you need to pay attention since the flying dolphin is arriving at one port – Megalochori – while the ferry boat at Skala.
    The best way to move and visit the island is with the scooter – but if you are strong and brave rent a bicycle and enjoy :)

    What to see
    the island is very small so if you have a scooter in 1 day you can visit almost all beaches.

    Skala is the main town with lot of tourist attractions – beaches, hotels, tavernas, umbrellas on the beach  – main life on the island is spent there. It has a very nice church that dominates the town. In Skala you take the ferry boat to Piraeus.

    Megalochori is the small town where the flying dolphin arrive – even here you can find shops, hotels.

    There are nice and organized  beaches in Skala, Megalochori, a small beach in Skliri and the very outstanding beach of Chalikiada – where we went.

    There are many nice places and beaches to see  – but since we rented the bicycle we did not visit them … so I leave it to your fantasy :) or you can have a look at this very helpful website on Agistri

    Let’s go to my trip
    As I told you at the beginning of this post – this post is dedicated to special people that shared with me this trip.
    A couple of weeks ago I suggested to have a day excursion to one very close island – to spend some time together and to welcome Summer ! Since my colleagues know that I am pretty and expert on trips in Greece, they decided to trust me and to come to this island that nobody knew :)

    Agistri was the first island that came in my mind. Actually I had already been there with my husband – this is the first greek island I visited with him – when I met him the first time for work and he decided to bring his “italian colleague” to a Greek Island. I must admit that Kostas has been a real kamaki ! But at that time I did not know this word and not even the existence of greek Kamaki … so I really thought that it was a common and nice greek custom to spend time with colleagues :)

    So – let’s say that I already had a positive memory of this island  and I wanted to go again but this time with my new friends and I think that I will go again with Kostas …. it is really very nice and romantic !

    At 8.30 in the morning – people from Italy, UK, South Africa and USA met at Piraeus Port (us) and we started this exciting experience :) – what a nice company !
    The trip was very nice – it was not windy so I didn’t suffer the sea ….

    When we arrived in Agistri it was still pretty early and we had all day in front of us. We arrived at Megalochori and from there we took the public  bus that was waiting for us and we went to the nice little town of Skala. We had no idea about where to go … what to do …. a colleague of us Christos strongly recommended us to go to one beach first and then to have lunch in one taverna … and since he knew it better than us – obviously we followed his instructions :)

    Thanks to a very kind lady that provided us with all indications (and my very fluent greek ahahah ) – we rented 5 bicycles  for 5 euros each ! WOW it was fantastic … actually I had no idea I still remembered how to ride a bicycle. All of us looked like teenagers and we had so much fun with our first hill …… let’s say that our enthusiasm was till high … but we had no breath and we started complaining and laughing – altogether.

    Luckily the beach of Chalikiada was not very far to reach – we only rode for about 10′ and then left the bicycle and started this new exciting experience .. looking for the suggested beach …. walking in the middle of forest (still with view to the sea) – as Kat said – we really needed a machete to clean it up – but finally – at the end …. we got it and when we arrived the view was so outstanding that we had to stop to full our eyes with such a beauty and already started taking the first of many pictures ……
    Honestly that path for going down to the beach was not very clear to us … and after guessing from where we should go …. I politely asked the people that were on the beach already – the way to go down.

    If you are coming to Agistri and you want to go to this fantastic beach I strongly recommend you to wear comfortable sneakers – and a sport dress + bag – let’s say this is not one of the easiest way to go … and if you do not pay attention you may risk to seriously hurt yourself !

    I have no idea how but we managed to go down the hill  and get to the beach –  Adam and David have been very helpful and gentlemen with us. With our great surprise mostly everybody were naked …. but we didn’t care and decided to spend there our day :)

    The first thing all of us did was to go into the water – we took off our shoes and dresses, put some sun cream and in 2 seconds we were in the water – enjoying our day trip !
    The water was so appealing and the place so beautiful that we spent almost 1 hour and the half inside it – just talking, swimming and having fun. Our friends from USA and South Africa told us that it was the first time they could really swim and stay in the sea …… and where so happy ! David even told me that it was strange that no sharks were approaching to us (thanks’ God!) and he really felt free in the sea for the first time in his life !

    We spent very great time in Chalikiada and at around 2pm we started being a little bit hungry … and sadly we decided to leave the beach … but still with great expectations about the taverna with view to the sea and delicious food suggested by Christos !  the SMS said – in Skala you will find this hotel / taverna that is the best in Agistri .… so we went down to the hill (with such pleasure this time) and arrived in Skala we asked for indication ….

    With our surprise … the taverna was on the way that we just left … and we had AGAIN to take the bicycle and go up to the hill ….. it was so hot .. and we were so exhausted. … still we were strong and we managed to do it ! Personally I was not riding anymore but going on foot – holding the bicycle ahhah – still I came to the beautiful taverna of Alkyoni

    When we came there the smell was so nice …. and we were almost starving :)
    They gave us a huge table that all of us could sit with view to the sea. … and I think I had one of the most delicious food I ever had in the tavernas on the sea …….. The owner even invited us to get into the kitchen to check the fish

    We had great time ! with fantastic view too !!!

    After launch our day was pretty over …. we went back to Skala, gave back the bicycles and went to the beach to have the last relax time, drinking milk shakes and caffee’ frappe’

    It has really been a great day and I am so thankful that they decided to share this experience with me !

    Agistri is a very nice island for a day excursion or even 2 days for relax ! I strongly suggest to visit it if you have some time in Athens :)



    ps Thanks Adam for joying us :)


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