
Luglio 2024


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    Finally Skopelos … in Summer !!

    melia (5)Finally we did it my dear readers ! Finally we visited Skopelos in Summer Time, for Summer Holidays !

    As you may have read in my blog I already visited this lovely Island “the Island of MAMMA MIA !” a couple of times …….

    I went there in October, end of Season and everything was closed ….. I came back for Easter and still everything was closed but the weather was way better and finally I came back in June for my fantastic fairytale MammaMia! Wedding – but spent almost all the time to get ready for THE Event !

    And now … after 3 years we decided to go back to Skopelos and to enjoy it in Summer !!!!!lemomnari

    Coming back to Skopelos was like living a deja vue! We remembered what we did, places we visited and people we met …. I must admit that many people of the island still remembered us – as the “couple that got married in our island” and told us that we are also from Skopelos, since we decided to marry there ….. they made us feel at home …. and thinking to move there ….. maybe in the future ……

    Also doing shopping was amazing …. things I did not buy in previous trips finally I did it this time – and mostly I refer to very expensive hand made pottery that really have not found some where else ……

    So this time this holiday was very relaxing, nothing to really discover since we already visited Skopelos many times ….. it was like being at home ………

    So the question could be “which are the differences between Skopelos in high Season and Skopelos in low Season?” As you might guess the huge difference is mostly the beach life ! since now we could really enjoy it! The beauty of the island never changed in these years …… and also restaurants that used to be fantastic – are still fantastic.

    castani (1)For this reason this post will be dedicated to the beaches.



    Panormos is by far the best beach for family with kids ! Long and very nice white pebble beach is the one that best suits for family with kids ! the water is almost always very calm and kids can enjoy their swim without any problem.  This is the beach where the famous and nice hotel Adrina is located and just now opened another nice hotel with rooms on the beach (super tiny rooms but nice)

    Melia – for my personal opinion is the best of the Island (but go at the end, left side). The colour of the water is simply fantastic ! you can see Skiathos from there and … there is a beach bar with amazing caipirinha and music !

    Castani (Mamma Mia! Beach) is very beautiful, well  beautiful and organized beach  but personally too overcrowded ….. too many (and too close) umbrellas and lot of tourists coming with the touristic boats to invade the beach for a couple of hours …..

    skopelos by night (9)Limnonari is the only sandy beach of the Island, with crystal clear and quite  water

    Stafylos – one of my favorites!

    After visiting many Greek Islands … and coming back to Skopelos for the 4th Time we left thinking about maybe buying a house in this island …. maybe in the future …. It is definitively a place where I wish I could spend more time …..




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