
Ottobre 2024


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    Getting Married in Greece

    Ursy and Kostas WeddingI just got married in wonderful Skopelos ! For me it has been like a fairy-tale…….

    Maybe it never happened to you …. but sometimes I was reading magazines, reading articles or most of all looking at pictures of wonderful weddings in Greek Islands ……..

    Most of the times the pictures were about Santorini, with romantic scenarios, beautiful coloured houses, windmills,  the greek blue sky and the sea  …..with a  beautiful tiny white church overwhelming the blue of the sky and of the sea ……. let’s say a dream for anyone ……

    Well …. I don’t know HOW but I decided that that was my dream too and I had to do whatever I could to make this dream come true …… and it happened !! I made it (of course thanks to the man I love that supported me in any step of this difficult trip …… )

    All happened end of September …. Kostas asked me to marry him ….. and in that moment I only had a picture in my mind …. me, him, close family and best friends …. in a lovely and extremely romantic place .. a small white Church by the sea …… there was nothing in my mind that had any relation with the place I was born  … the common places I used to live  …..  I wanted our Wedding to be like a fairy tail ………

    I also had to admit that when I went to my town (I lived in Italy in a small town in the Alps) and occasionally went into a photographer shop …. and saw all my friend pics of their marriage … and now most of them are divorced ….. let’s say that this helped me to take the decision to make something different …..

    Skopelos Village RestaurantOf course it helped me a lot living in Greece ! but despite of that ……  honestly that was not a very easy way …. an easy wedding…. at least that was not my case ….. everyone  made my life really impossible ……. starting from my family, saying that it was a real sufference for them not to see their only daughter getting married in their / our Church …. my friends complaining (and I cannot blame them honestly … ) that the wedding was very far ……. and very expensive …… and all small things (that are a lot) you need to do for a wedding …..become huge problems if  you get married in an island that you need 5 hours to get there …. unless you  have a perfect Wedding Planner ! (that I looked for and hadn’t find …. )

    But  I have to admit that I will do it again and again because finally I was right … and we gave to all our guests an experience that they will always remember …. they will  always remember about our Big Fat Greek Wedding :)

    Our guests are still talking about our Wedding after one week  :)

    Ursy and Kostas WeddingGetting married in a Greek Island means:

    • to have by your side only the people that really love you !!!!
    • to have a long weekend
    • to enjoy the sea and the place
    • to have several parties
    • to spend a lot of time with your friends and family (and not just the hours of the Wedding)
    • and to see them also the day after … again for having fun and eat in a beautiful taverna by the sea

    How to plan a Wedding in Greece

    • Be sure about this decision! family and friends will be quite disappointed (despite they will always love you!)
    • Plan it a lot in advance
    • Choose the island
    • Prepare a wedding web-site where all your guests can get information about the locations (how to get there, hotels, etc … ) – we had our great friend John that helped us on that !!!
    • Look for a Wedding Planner (i was not lucky and the ones I met were not as professional as I was expecting …. I know I am very precise and it is not easy to realize my dreams …. but you could be much luckier ! )
    • Meet the Priest
    • Start asking for all documentation you need and please consider that everything has to be translated in Greek ! If you have a Wedding planner make sure she is following all bureaucratic  issue for you
    • plan at least a couple of trips to the island to look for the Restaurant  (*)/ where to make the reception, talk with the lady of the flowers, photographer, DJ etc … if you have a wedding planner she will get you all contacts but I strongly suggest you to meet them before
    • Arrive to the island at least 4 days before your Wedding
    • Enjoy ! this is the best period of all your life ! and all you are doing it will be for your BIG DAY !

    As commented before, I had great time ! Our Wedding was exactly how I dreamt it ….. I couldn’t ask more. …….

    For this reason, if you are thinking about a fairy-tail Wedding …. think about Greece !!!!! the perfect place to have your Marriage !!

    Maybe I will become a Wedding Planner …. who knows. …. I should think about this change of life ……..

    Filakia !

    ps.  a huge thank you to all my friends for making all the pics you see in this post !

    (*) I was very lucky! We had our Reception at Skopelos Village and Kyria Maria really helped us a lot with the organization of the event ! Thanks Kyria Maria and all the staff of Skopelos Village!

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