
Luglio 2024


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    Updated Strikes in Athens – Aπεργια

    My dear readers

    first of all thank you very much for all your compliments about my blog :)

    I am very happy that you find it nice and of course useful  – as you know the main objective for me for writing a blog is to:

    • make people dream while planning their fantastic holiday
    • make people happy during their holidays because they chose the “right” island
    • make people return again and again in Greece

    You are really encouraging me to keep on writing and of course I am in the will to keep on travelling, visiting new places to write about :)

    Lipon :)  sorry for the digression …….

    The  current post is concerning the actual situation about strikes in Athens / Greece

    As most of you know in Greece currently there is quite a strong economic crisis and the Government is trying to recover from the depts. in all ways possible .. increasing Taxes, VAT and touching also state salaries ….. For this reasons  recently there have been so many strikes and more are to come …… I don’t know if they will solve something ….anyway – this is a non politic blog! and I do not want to comment this sad situation ……..

    My objective is to inform any travelers that are planning to come to Athens about potential strikes in order to be ready and avoid any inconvenience

    Have a look at the following link to check the situation about strikes


    ΕΘΕΛ – BUS

    ΗΣΑΠ – Electric Train from Pireas to Kifisia

    ΜΕΤΡΟ – Metro in Athens

    ciao !


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