
Ottobre 2024


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    This time I am going to write about a destination I am not very excited about  ….. it’s like a sort of warning to you … do not go to KOS unless you like over touristic places with no character.

    I may be wrong,  I may be exaggerated … but this is my blog where I am going to write what I do think and my feelings about my travels :)

    I know that I am quite strict and maybe too taught. Actually I had some issues with one friend of mine and with my cousin too because they really liked the island. But you know …it depends on what you are looking for …..

    Nevertheless I must admit that Kos has great turquoise see, with sandy beaches, lot of things to do and visit!  You cannot be bored  .. still …. I do not know … there was something we didn’t like …..

    Some info about Kos – ελλ. Κως

    Kos is in the Dodecanese Islands and it is the 3rd largest of the Greek islands. It’s very touristic, there are people coming from everywhere – this is why it is very organized and has everything in terms of tourism infrastructure.

    The best way to reach Kos is with the plane and of course with the boat. Kos is also very close to Turkey (only 5 km) , actually it faces Bo drum and it could be a good idea to visit Bo Drum for one day.

    Honestly I think that Kos is the closest Island to Turkey -but I may be wrong . Maybe for this reason Greeks keeps warning  Turkish to stay insider their borders putting in a huge rock in the middle of the sea a huge Greek painted Flag ! What a pity I cannot find this picture any more …..

    Let’s go to my trip

    I went to Kos time ago on my way to Patmos. We booked our holidays with a touristic operator. Our flight was a charter from Milano to Kos and since the boat to Patmos was the day after we spent one night in one hotel in Kos …..

    The first impact was not very exciting  …… I must say that it was not love at first sight …..

    Since we arrived in the evening, we just had a shower and had a walk in the center of Kos Chora …. countless numbers of bars – restaurants and clubs, nice souvenir shops.

    But …. on the main paved street of the Chora there were all the waiters that were quite pushing … insisting and maybe following us for a while for making us entering in their restaurant and have a drink or dinner….. During all our walk we never stopped saying “No thank you …. “ – at the end we were exhausted ….. Back in the hotel …. we were planning to make some changes to our holidays soon …. since the second week was supposed to be in Kos …..

    Unfortunately our plans didn’t go as we hoped … we tried to change the island for the second week, maybe making our stay in Patmos longer or staying in tiny Lipsi  …..but since it was August the tourist operator couldn’t help us …..

    BUT after a couple of days in Kos we decided to go to Nysiros – on our expenses …

    Anyway back to Kos, since we spent some days there –  I have something to tell you  about :)

    Since Kos is quite a big island I strongly recommend you to rent a car  – and do not what we did :) hihihi

    As always, since we had to contain costs … we rented a scooter …. and you can imagine how my back was at the end of our trip to the beaches of the south …. about 40 km far from Kos city ……with wind blowing from everywhere.

    What to see

    I suggest to spend one afternoon / evening at the Chora, to have a walk and to see the famous Hippocrates Plane Tree. They say that Hippocrates used to teach his students in this place.

    All the area is pretty, you can also have a walk to the small port ….


    Very close to Kos there a very nice beaches, facing Kalymnos: Marmari, Tsigaki ecc …  They are also easily reachable with the bus – there are good connections with Kos. Unfortunately since Meltemi is blowing from this side … for many days in August …. if  there is Meltemi it is quite difficult to stay on the beaches ….. the sand will cover you and the sea is not much appealing … turquoise  but with a lot of waves  ……..

    A very good alternative is to go to the very huge Bay, on the opposite coast of Kos, facing Nysiros, where there is Paradise beach and all other very nice, big and soft sandy beaches. You can easily find them following the main road – all of them are fully indicated

    Please also consider that most of the touristic villages / hotels are there.

    Following some names of beaches I visited:

    Kefalos is one of the most famous beach in Kos and they say that the water here is very freezing …. there are nice psari tavernas where you can eat fresh fish

    Camel Beach is very nice too  …. and honestly it would be perfect to reach it with a Camel :)  the path is with sand … and if you have a car or a scooter better to leave it close to the main road and go down on foot

    Paradise Beach is one of the most famous beaches, with water sport  – perfect for teenagers !

    Unfortunately I don’t have nice pics on Kos ….. I told you … I was not very excited ……. but following you will find the official site of Kos : have a look at it so to see the pics and read all info about the island too. You may like it :)



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