
Ottobre 2024


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    My dear readers – Elafonissos.

    I decided to visit this island because I saw a picture on one travel magazine of the half moon beaches and I said …. this is my island ! My next Summer Destination!

    Some info about Elafonissos – ελλ. Ελαφονησος

    Elafonissos is a very tiny island located at the end of Peloponnese.

    Actually the island has only one town – Elafonissos and a couple of beaches. The only way to get to Elafonissos is with the car – a very long way down to Peloponnese :), from Athens or from Patra !

    Down down to Peloponnese and then …. at Pounda you should take the ferry  – just for 10’ trip and there you are !

    Elafonissos is only 500 m. far away from the coast and they say that in some period, with the low tide you could even “walk” from the coast to the island.

    Let’s go to my trip

    As anticipated previously I decided to go to Elafonissos because I saw the picture of the 2 amazing beaches of Sarakiniko – 2 half moon beaches that faces each other.

    The trip to reach Elafonissos was very painful . … August ….. 4 hours by car from Athens …. without air conditioning ….. a real nightmare ! When we arrived there was a pool in the car and I was simply devastated and dehydrated ……

    But despite of that I was very excited for the trip because I never visited Peloponnese and  I knew I was going through Korinthos, Sparta etc ….

    First delusion ….. from the motorway you do not even notice you are going through Korinthos ….. second and bigger delusion …. Sparta ! with my fervid imagination I was thinking to see a very historic city … to see the mountain where they used to throw and kill small kids that were not in good health ….. but nothing ! well .. honestly there is the mountain Taigetos … but I imagined it in another way :) I think that Sparta is a very anonymous new city , with ugly buildings ….

    so ….

    my only wish was that after all this long trip and that hot ! Elafonisssos was exactly how I was expecting it – simply beautiful !

    and ….. when we arrived at Pounda I forgot all my pains with the amazing sight I had in front of me ….. white sands …. turquoise waters ……. and classical Greek fisherman boats at the small port ! My only wish was to take off my dress and dive in this beautiful blue see ……… but the ferry was coming …

    Our accommodation was nice, if you consider that we found it a week before leaving ….. on the way from the town to Sarakiniko, very nice and romantic but with no sunset :(

    Honestly I would not suggest you to stay in the Chora: it is very hot and there is quite a lot of confusion – therefore I would recommend you to look for accommodation far from the Chora.

    Elafonissos Chora is very characteristic – with small nice white houses, narrow paths and plenty of tavernas by the sea / the port to eat delicious Greek food ! All night life is there too with very nice clubs to hear music and dance !

    Don’t forget to see Agios Spyridon Church – that has been built in the middle of the sea and is connected with the Chora by a bridge

    At Elafonissos there is also a very big camping that I heard is one of the best in Greece ! and it is very close to the 2 amazing beaches of Sarakiniko. No more info on that, sorry. I am not a person that usually does camping :) but you can check it out in the following link :)



    Sarakiniko is simply gorgeous ! it has peaceful blue waters and green vegetation. In order to get there you have to go over the camping area – where the road finishes – park there the car and walk for about 5 minutes.

    The sand is very soft and the sea seems a huge swimming pool ! This is the perfect place for kids !  If you are thirsty or hungry you can go to the close bar of the camping to get what you need :)

    Simos Sarakiniko is the other beach, half moon shaped that faces Sarakiniko….. long … sandy … with beautiful waters too.

    Panagia is the other beach I really loved. It’s very long, sandy with blue waters and ….. a nice sunset !

    It was a very nice summer ! our holidays were amazing, I spend all my days in the blue sea ….. and relaxed myself …..

    If you are going to Elafonissos do not forget to visit also Monemvasia …. another magic place to see that I will describe in the next chapters ….

    I strongly recommend this place to families, for kids and couples !


    φιλακια !

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