
Luglio 2024


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    I visited Lipsi some years ago, when I spent my holidays in Patmos.

    What Ι really liked about small Lipsi it was its truly quietness and the real calm atmosphere of a non touristic island ………

    Some info about Lipsi  – ελλ. Λειψοι

    Lipsi’ is a very small island located in the Dodecanese. It’s not very well connected with the boats, and there is no airport. The easiest way to reach Lipsi is to fly to Kos and to take the boat from there but you should check the time schedule first.
    It’s very close to Patmos (12 km) and also close to Leros. It’s a very quite island where people still live in a very traditional lifestyle.
    The only fact that you can reach most of the beaches on foot …. make you understand a lot about the quality of life and of holidays you can have in Lipsi

    Let’s go to my trip

    I visited Lipsi some years ago when I spent my Summer Holidays in Patmos. We decided to visit this tiny island in one day. In the morning  we took the boat, brought our scooter too and in only 30′ of travel from Patmos we arrived in beautiful Lipsi.

    The main town is by the bay, with small Cyclades  white houses, tavernas by the port, restaurants and  small shops. It was very different from very chic and trendy Patmos….
    We decided to have a walk in the town, we had a coffee and then …. straight to the beaches.

    We decided first to see how big that island was and we drove the main road, with the sea on both our sides … it was very nice ! with the wind caressing our hair ……

    After about 15 minutes of driving we were at the end of the island …. and we were facing the most ever beautiful beach I ever saw: Platys Gialos Beach ….. it was like the picture of Maldives …. turquoise waters, white sand …. and a beautiful and quite small bay – that was our first stop on the beach!

    There were very few people on that beach and what was very strange to me .. there were some Spanish …. bizarre !!

    After a couple of hours we decided to come back to Lipsi town and visit all the nice beaches close to it. Most of them just after 5′-10′ of walk from the town …..
    We spent our afternoon in a very delicious beach – with small white stones – Papandria Beach

    I really recommend to spend a couple of days in Lipsi is you are already planning to spend your holiday in Patmos. It’ s very relaxing and the color of the sea is simply amazing

    φιλακια !
    ciao !

    ps I will upload the pics next week :) sorry for that !

    ciao !

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